Jenna Jameson Says Keto And Intermittent Fasting Helped Her Inflammation

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"It’s as if I’ve turned back the clock."

Jenna Jameson has been super-open with her fans about how going on the keto diet has changed different aspects of her life—her energy levels, her overall weight, and her self-confidence. Now, she’s sharing photographic proof of how much it's impacted her face.

Jenna posted before and after close-ups of her face on Instagram Wednesday, and the change is pretty remarkable. “I’ve never talked about how changing my diet has impacted the inflammation in my body,” she wrote in the caption. “Not only has my face changed from weight loss, but eating whole foods and next to zero processed foods has made my skin better. Less puffiness, we all can go for that!”
Jenna also said that her “joints don’t ache anymore. It’s as if I’ve turned back the clock,” before noting that her intermittent fasting also has helped with this.
Jenna first went on the keto diet in April, and says she’s lost 80 pounds since then. She’s shared regular updates on her weight-loss journey with fans via her Instagram account, and even recently launched the account @ketocantlose, which is all about the keto diet and her success with it.
Jenna also called out intermittent fasting in this post, which she first talked up in August. Jenna said at the time that she started intermittent fasting in order to break through her weight-loss plateau, and that she usually fasts from 6 p.m. to 11 a.m.

That’s something that’s "absolutely doable" for her, she said. There are several different types of intermittent fasting out there, but Jenna's plan sounds a lot like the 16:8 diet, which is when someone fasts for 16 hours a day and then eats what they want for the rest of the eight hours of the day.
Overall, this combo of keto and intermittent fasting really seems to be working for her. Seriously—just look at her face.


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