The 61 Different Names of Sugar

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According to the Sugar Science website the average adult in the USA consumes around 66lb of added sugar per year.

74% of packaged foods have added sugar in them. Popular granola brands have between 20 and 30 grams of sugar per cup which is similar to doughnuts, cake or ice cream (reference). 

Here's what 66lb of sugar looks like:

It's not just sucrose and glucose you need to look for on food ingredient labels to spot added sugar... the following are all different names for sugar:

·         Agave nectar
·         Barbados sugar
·         Barley malt
·         Barley malt syrup
·         Beet sugar
·         Brown sugar
·         Buttered syrup
·         Cane juice
·         Cane juice crystals
·         Cane sugar
·         Caramel
·         Carob syrup
·         Castor sugar
·         Coconut palm sugar
·         Coconut sugar
·         Confectioner’s sugar
·         Corn sweetener
·         Corn syrup
·         Corn syrup solids
·         Date sugar
·         Dehydrated cane juice
·         Demerara sugar
·         Dextrin
·         Dextrose
·         Evaporated cane juice
·         Free-flowing brown sugars
·         Fructose
·         Fruit juice
·         Fruit juice concentrate
·         Glucose
·         Glucose solids
·         Golden sugar
·         Golden syrup
·         Grape sugar
·         HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup)
·         Honey
·         Icing sugar
·         Invert sugar
·         Malt syrup
·         Maltodextrin
·         Maltol
·         Maltose
·         Mannose
·         Maple syrup
·         Molasses
·         Muscovado
·         Palm sugar
·         Panocha
·         Powdered sugar
·         Raw sugar
·         Refiner’s syrup
·         Rice syrup
·         Saccharose
·         Sorghum syrup
·         Sucrose
·         Sugar (granulated)
·         Sweet sorghum
·         Syrup
·         Treacle
·         Turbinado sugar
·         Yellow sugar

Tread carefully in the grocery store and don't forget your reading glasses!

Article by: Victoria Warrell

Sugar list source


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