10 Tips: How to Use NLP for Weight Loss

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How to use NLP for weight loss, is a question I am often asked. I consider myself an experienced and professional advisor on this topic as an NLP trainer, and as a person who lost 100 pounds of weight.
To use NLP for weight loss, it is wise to know the basics or have taken an NLP training.

1. An extremely powerful tool is to “future pace” yourself into already having completed the weight loss. To step into that spot as if you already reached your weight loss goal. What specifically will you feel, hear and see at that moment in time? You experience this associated, meaning looking through your own eyes.

2. If take your awareness and step into the shoes of your children, or the person who loves you the most, whom do you see? What do you wish for the you over there? What example is that you over there giving?
NLP Weight Loss
3. If you are going to seek an inspiration for weight loss, pick a true model of excellence! It is best to find someone who not only claims to have mastery in motivational or coaching tools, but someone who has done it OR looks the part.
4. How will your success with completing your weight loss goal impact your life?
5. How will it impact others around you?
6. What are your values? Isn’t having a healthy body a part of living a life, which is true to your values? Weight loss using NLP will accomplish this.

7. Understand the positive intention behind overeating or moving too little. If these things were to bring you something positive, what would that be? For instance, would you be rewarded with comfort? Fun? Freedom? What are some other ways for you to achieve this rather than overeating or moving too little?
8. What are triggers (anchors) in your environment that cause you to eat?

9. Who is stopping you from completing your goal? Be honest.
10. What is the first step? Do that this week! Using NLP for weight loss are among the best tools you can use to set up your mind!

Article source: https://www.globalnlptraining.com/blog/10-tips-use-nlp-weight-loss/


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