10 Best Protein Sources to Upgrade Your Diet for Weight Loss

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There's quite a body of evidence suggesting that a high protein, low carb diet really can be very beneficial for weight loss, and that high protein diets can boost your metabolism and make you feel more full (1)(2)(3)

Low carbohydrate diets can lead to higher weight loss than a high carb diets (4)(5), and low carb diets have been shown to decrease fat mass and increase lean body mass (6).

The high protein low carb diet has had its critics though. For example the American Heart Association (AHA) stated that a high protein, low carb diet could have adverse effects including cardiac, renal, bone and liver abnormalities (7). However a comprehensive  review of the relevant research found almost no evidence to support this and in fact concluded that high protein intake could have beneficial effects on these areas for many people (8).

Having said all that perhaps the most critical factor in a high protein diet is the quality of protein that you eat. Processed foods have long been linked with obesity and weight gain (9)(10), produce lower energy levels after eating (11) generally contain high sugar levels (12) and may in fact be addictive (13). So you need to stick to fresh, unprocessed foods. 

Without a doubt cooking from fresh using unprocessed single ingredient foods is the best way to upgrade your diet for health and weight loss.

So here's a list of some of the healthiest and best protein sources for your weight loss diet, including vegetarian and vegan options:

1. Eggs: 

1 large egg: 70-75 calories / 6g protein/ Nutrients include vitamins A, B2, B12, D, selenium, choline

Eggs must be on of the healthiest, most nutrient dense foods going, and make a great addition to any weight loss diet (14). You need to eat the whole egg, white and yolk, to get the benefits.

Eggs can make you feel full, can suppress the hunger hormone ghrelin (15) and can reduce the food you eat at later meals(16). They also contain choline which has been shown to support rapid weight loss (17); choline deficiency is linked to a gene that causes accumulation of visceral fat (18).

Eggs also contain CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid) which has been shown to help reduce body fat (19) (20) (21) (22).

On top of that they're inexpensive and easy to cook.

Be aware that not all eggs are equal though. Pasture raised free range chickens produce eggs that are far more nutritious than conventional barn raised, or even conventional free range eggs (where chickens have only a small outdoor space). The 2007 Mother Earth News egg testing project showed the following nutrient comparison:

2. Avocadoes: 

A medium sized avocado (150g/ 5oz) has around 250 calories / 3g protein + antioxidants, vitamins and minerals

Avocadoes are incredibly nutrient dense, can make you feel more full than other similar foods (22B*) and great source of monounsaturated fatty acids which help lower cholesterol (23)

Including avocado in your diet can reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome (a cluster of markers that increase risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease) and can help reduce belly fat (24)(25).

3. Beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils: 

Lentils 9g protein per 100g cooked weight/ 17.9g per cup
Kidney beans 8.7g protein per 100g/ 15.3g per cup
(full list of beans and protein levels can be found here)
Chickpeas 8.9g protein per 100g/ 14.5g per cup
Peas 5.7g protein per 100g/ 8.6g per cup

Just about all pulses, legumes and beans are high in protein and fibre. 

Eating one serving of beans, peas, chickpeas or lentils (3/4 cup) every day for 6 weeks lead to weight loss in one Canadian study (26) , and eating beans has been shown to increase feelings of fullness (27) and help with weight management. Other studies have supported the idea that beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils can make you feel more full and help with weight loss (28).

4. Nuts

Almonds 21g protein per 100g/ 20g per cup
Walnuts 15g protein per 100g/ 15.g per cup
Peanuts 26g protein per 100g/ 26g per cup
Pistachios 20.6g protein per 100g / 22g per cup

Nuts are high in protein and packed full of nutrients too. They make a great protein source in a weight loss diet (29) (30), although you do need to be careful with portion sizes. 

One small study suggested that eating walnuts over time made you feel more full and also changed your brain's response to high carb junk food(31)

Eating almonds in place of a high carb snack every day can reduce bad cholesterol levels and promote weight loss (32).

Pistachios are another nutrient rich nut and a valuable part of a healthy weight loss diet (33) (34).

5. Meat

Turkey Breast: 22g protein per 100g/ 25.5 g protein per 3ozGrass Fed Beef: 23g protein per 100g/ 26g protein in 3oz
Pork: 21g protein per 100g/  22g in 3oz

Turkey contains more protein than chicken but less calories. It's a very lean meat and makes another great protein source for a weight loss diet.

Turkey has all the B vitamins and choline, and is high in DHA omega-3 fatty acids that, it is suggested, may turn off fat genes.

Turkey also contains CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid) which has been shown to help reduce body fat (35) (36) (37) (38).

Chicken is also a good protein source for your high protein, low carb diet, and it also contains CLA, although less than turkey. 

Grass fed beef is leaner than conventional beef, has fewer calories and contains more Omega-3 fatty acids. It has more CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which can increase lean mass and lower body fat. The vitamin and mineral profile is much better than conventional beef as well (39) (40) (41).

Grass fed beef also contains CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid) which has been shown to help reduce body fat (42) (43) (44) (45).

Grass fed beef does cost more however. Fresh beef is still far better for your health, weight and diet than processed meats, even if you can't afford to buy grass fed..

Lean pork has been found to fit well into a weight loss diet or management program (46). The leanest cuts are the tenderloin and centreloin.

Pork also contains CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid) which has been shown to help reduce body fat (47) (48) (49) (50).

6. Dairy

Cheese:Gruyere: 30g protein per 100g/ 8g protein per oz
Cheddar: 25.4g protein per 100g/ 7g per oz
Gouda: 24g protein per 100g/ 7g per oz
Mozzarella: 26g protien per 100g/ 11g per oz
Brie: 19.7g protein per 100g/  6g protein per oz

Eating dairy and cheese is associated with lower body mass index and body fat percentage (51) (52) (53) and eating dairy products is also linked with lower prevalence of metabolic disorders (54)

Cheeses are very high in protein and contain calcium which can aid weight loss (55).

A recent study suggested that cheese may well help promote healthy gut bacteria (56) which in turn can promote weight loss (57) (58) (59) (60).

Dairy products also contain CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid) which has been shown to help reduce body fat (61) (62) (63) (64).

Greek full fat live yogurt 9g per 100g / 15.3g per cup
Plain full fat yogurt 3.5g per 100g/ 8.5g protein per cup

Studies have suggested that eating yogurt regularly can contribute to weight loss (65) (66) (67). Yogurt is high in protein and is also a great source of calcium which has also been linked to weight loss (68) (69)(70).

Dairy products also contain CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid) which has been shown to help reduce body fat (71) (72) (73) (74).

Greek yogurt is by far the better option with more than double the protein of normal yogurt and can lead to increased feelings of fullness and delayed subsequent eating (75)

You need to make sure you eat live yogurt cultures to get the best benefits for your health and weight loss diet however. Check the ingredient list on the side before you buy.

7. Fish

Halibut: 22g of protein per 100g / 18g protein per 3oz serving
Cod: 20.8g protein per 100g/ 19.5g protein per 3oz serving
Wild salmon: 20g protein, 142 calories per 100g/ 17g protein, 121 calories per 3oz serving
Farmed salmon: 20g protein per 100g, 183 calories/ 17g protein, 156 calories per 3oz serving

Fish makes a great contribution to a healthy weight loss diet and can support weight loss (76)(77)(78).

Halibut tops the list, ranked #2 on the Satiety Index of Common Foods (an Australian study that was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (79), meaning it's one of the top foods to make you feel full. The author of that study suggests this is due to the high protein content, but also to the levels of tryptophan which produces serotonin which in turn is one of the hunger curbing hormones. Halibut is high in Omega-3 fatty acids. 

A study found eating cod 5 times a week over 8 weeks led to weight loss for young overweight and obese adults (80)

Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA. Farmed salmon often has higher levels of contaminants because of the way the fish are raised. In addition wild salmon generally has lower calories per 100g, but both farmed and wild salmon still deserve a place in a healthy weight loss diet.

8. Spirulina & Chlorella

Spirulina: 57.5g protein per 100g although dosage is generally less than 8g daily

Chlorella: 58.4g protein per 100g although dosage is generally less than 8g daily

Spirulina, a blue-green algae that is dried into a powder form and taken as a food supplement, is jam packed with nutrients and very high in complete protein. It promotes healthy gut flora, can be effective in eliminating Candida. (81) and may help lower cholesterol (82). It can help detoxify heavy metals in the body and supports the immune system (83)

Chlorella is another blue green algae with a similar nutrient profile to spirulina, being very high in complete protein and full of nutrients. It can reduce cholesterol and support weight loss (84). Like chlorella it can detoxify heavy metals within the body and supports the immune system (85).

Both of these nutrient packed green superfoods can make a valuable addition to a high protein weight loss diet, especially for vegetarians and vegans.

9. Ancient wholegrains

Quinoa uncooked: 13g protein per 100g/ 22g protein per cup
Amaranth uncooked: 14g protein per 100g/ 26g protein per cup

For vegetarians and vegans especially whole grains can provide a very valuable protein source. Quinoa and amaranth are thought to be so important because both are considered as "complete proteins". Actually they contain only 18 of the 20 amino acids in a complete protein, but the 2 non-essential amino acids that are missing can be manufactured by the body itself, so as far as bodily health is concerned, they are complete. They have high potential to curb appetite and deserve to be part of a healthy weight loss diet (86).

Other wholegrains such as teff, kamut and buckwheat are also valuable for a healthy weight loss diet.

10. Seeds

Chia seeds: 15.6g protein per 100g/ 4g protein per oz
Shelled pumpkin seeds: 28g protein per 100g/ 9.3g protein per oz
Flaxseed: 18.3g protein per 100g/ 5.1g protein per oz
Sesame seeds: 17.7g protein per 100g/  5g protein per oz

Chia seeds are high in fibre as well as protein with 2 tablespoons of chia seeds giving you around 40% of your recommended daily fibre intake for weight loss of around 30g. They are high in antioxidants and calcium too. 

High fibre foods in the diet are associated with lower body mass (87) (88)

Chia seeds are relatively high in fat and calories, so they make a great addition to a high protein weight loss diet when used in moderation.

Pumpkin seeds are very high in magnesium which is vital for many processes in the body including metabolism of food and synthesis of proteins and fatty acids. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to metabolic syndrome (89), insulin resistance and increased risk of diabetes (90).

Flaxseed is another great protein source (91) and can promote weight loss (92). Eating flaxseed can make you feel full (93) Flaxseed also contains lignans which can reduce blood glucose levels and promote weight loss by controlling insulin spikes (94). TOmega-3 fatty acids are found in flaxseed which have been linked with preventing obesity (95). Around 25-30 g flaxseed is enough for a day, and it is better stick around these levels for a healthy weight loss diet.

Sesame seeds also contain lignans, although is smaller amounts than flaxseed so can reduce blood glucose levels and promote weight loss by controlling insulin spikes (96). Sesame oil has been shown to reduce weight and body mass index over time (97)(98).

By Victoria Warrell / Slimtrimsuccess

References (with links not available online):

*(22B) Wien M., Haddad E., Sabate J. Effect of incorporating avocado in meals on satiety in healthy overweight adults. 2011. 11th European Nutrition Conference of the Federation of the European Nutrition Societies. October, 27. Madrid, Spain.


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