How to Meditate for Weight Loss

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According to Pioneer Thinking, successful meditation is about three things: good posture, learning to breathe and attitude. If you can’t learn to relax and enjoy quiet time, then meditating might not be for you. You also need to learn to focus. If you spend your 20-minute meditation time daydreaming about a holiday on the beach, it won’t do much for your weight-loss efforts.

Step 1

Choose a time and place where you won’t be interrupted. Dim the lights, either close all the windows and doors so you’re in absolute silence, or put on some soft instrumental music or nature sounds CD as background. Keep the volume low, just enough to block distracting noise.

Step 2

Breathe deeply and slowly. Keep your spine straight, but let your head rest down toward your chest if that feels more comfortable. According to Holistic Online, you can also rest against a wall for added support. This might be a good option if you have trouble sitting straight or if you have back problems or pain.

Step 3

Meditate every day if possible. According to Lawrence LeShan, Ph.D., in his book "Meditating to Attain a Healthy Body Weight,” you should meditate at least five days a week, for about 15 minutes at a time. Do it consistently for at least six weeks to better understand your body and your connection to foods and weight.

Step 4

Pick a mantra word that relates to your goals. According to LeShan, chanting the word "diet" or "thin" or another similar word of your choice can help you focus on the goal at hand. Use the word to prevent your mind from wandering -- use it to help you relax. As you repeat it, allow your muscles to relax and sink deeper into the meditation.

Step 5

Allow associations to come through. If your mantra word is “thin,” for example, you might have positive associations such as bikini, happy or beach. Or you might get negative associations such as fattening foods or feeling sad and anxious. LeShan recommends listening to the associations for a few seconds and then moving on and letting your mind bring along something new. He says these associations might help you understand your eating habits and how you react to food.
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