Self Esteem, Weight Loss And Self Confidence

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Little self-confidence and low self-esteem are among the most frequent problems associated with obesity or over-weight. Up to a point, such feelings are the normal consequences that accompany eating disorders. Remember that your body as such is not responsible for your eating problem. The stages of all self-improvement processes take you to accepting what you are as a whole. Let's see what it is to be done in order to increase your self-confidence.

1. Control your thoughts!

Stop projecting negative attitudes towards your body. By respecting your body, you respect yourself. Every time you feel criticizing yourself, kill the treacherous thought in the bud. Leave it behind, the same way you eliminate a bad dream or memory.

2. Use positive appreciation!

Congratulate yourself on every success in your life and behave like a winner. Think like a fighter who is not afraid to accept and deal with challenges. Use the following positive assertions at least several times every day.

I congratulate myself for the way I look.

I am totally pleased with my performance today.

Despite general expectations, I handled the situation admirably well.

I feel free of all prejudices against myself.

3. Dare to try things that you've always wanted to do!

Want to learn swimming? Well, what's stopping you? I'm sure there are things you've always wanted to do, but you didn't have the courage to try because you lacked the confidence or felt shy because of your weight. Eating in public could be a challenge for someone who thinks all the eyes are watching her or his next bite. Well, the thing is that such scenarios are only going on in your mind. Stay natural, behave naturally and everything will seem a lot more comfortable and secure.

4. Feel confident in your personal value!

Though many people have to live on with the burden of an unsuccessful past, it is up to you to free yourself from past failures and begin a new stage of personal affirmation. Get into the habit of keeping an inner council with yourself at the end of each day. Analyze how much you've trusted your instincts, skills and abilities during the specific activities you were involved in. If you're not pleased with the outcome and you think you could have done better, don't linger on guilt or frustration. Let such feelings go and focus on being more confident in the future.

By keeping a close watch over your accomplishments, you discover and know yourself a lot better. Trust me, if you do that, there are big surprises waiting in stock for you. People are pretty amazed when they compare past performances with the unexpected potential that exists in them.

The mirror game

Make a habit of looking in the mirror in the morning after you get out of bed. I know the hair is disheveled, the eyes puffy and so on, but this is not the point of the exercise. When you see yourself, act as if you met a friend, say "Hi", smile and add something nice directed at your person.

Don't rush into thinking that this is silly! It is a proved fact that such games or exercises increase self-awareness and are self-esteem boosters. Doing so for a longer period of time will help you understand that you don't live with your body but in it, and the extra kilos you've been resenting so much, don't define who you are. You ARE that friendly, cheerful soul!

Live a joyful life!

If you have accepted the challenge of self-improvement while trying to apply the "laws of happiness" to your life, you may have come to rediscover the joy of living. It is not uncommon to hear people talking about attracting joy; is joy something to be created at will? My answer is a big YES; your personal choices are the ones that really determine joy!

Joy does not only refer to the moment you laugh from the bottom of your heart because of something funny. By joy, we also mean the sheer bliss of life and the ability to appreciate it all the time. Let's take a look at a conclusive example of what it means to "enjoy living".

When you go to work on a sunny day pay attention...Do you see smiles on faces or looks towards the clear sky? Do you take the time yourself to watch a simple tree that shivers in the warm wind? Smiling at a flower, a bird or a clear day is what enjoying life is about. This is the way to be happy every moment of your life. Truly, sheer happiness comes in small things.

Article Source:,-Weight-Loss-And-Self-Confidence&id=965394


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