How To Unlock Your Why To See Weight Loss

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You want to see weight loss but don’t know if you can.

You want to start a new career but you’re afraid to start over.

Any major decisions in your life always starts with a why.
Just think about any major decision that you’ve made recently? What about any decision that you’ve made in general?
Did you ask yourself why you wanted to do something? Or did you just do it?
We do things because we have a reason to.
Why do we work? To have money for things like food and shelter.
Why do we go out with friends? To socialize and have a good time.

You have to unlock your why to see weight loss.

We always have a why. Why do you want to lose weight?
Most people will give a generic answers such as to be healthy or to be skinnier. What does that even mean? What does healthy mean to you?

 You can’t be generic with your answer. You have to give your answer a deeper meaning. Something that really resonates with you. Something that will propel you towards achieve your goals.
I started losing weight because I wanted to be around for my goddaughter. I had a notion that I was going to be dead before she turned 5 years old. She’s 5 now and I’m glad I made that decisions.

You have to be really concrete with your answer. This answer will give you a starting point for your motivation. A starting point for a bigger purpose.

  1. Once you have a why, write it down. Post it somewhere that you will see it everyday as a constant reminder of WHY you are trying to lose weight.
  2. Make it a point to also visualize what you want from your WHY. Most people neglect this step but it truly works wonders. Just imagine where you see yourself 2 years from now. What do you see? Visualizing what you want really locks in that WHY. It gives you a visual representation of what you want to achieve.
  3. Your WHY may eventually change. Mine did. I started losing weight because of my goddaughter. That WHY then changed to be around for my wife, Angela, our future children, my friends and family. You’ll have to reevaluate your WHY eventually. Things will change in life and your motivation may waver. Just always take a moment to renew your WHY.

As I said before, we do things because there’s a reason to do it. You have to find your reasons. Once you figure out why you want to do something, the how starts to make a lot more sense.
Why do YOU want to lose weight?


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