The Best Seeds for Weight Loss

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Miracle diets don’t exist and we know it. Losing weight requires effort and above all, having proper nutrition that not only makes you burn fat, but also cares for your health. And fiber is essential. That is why we want to show you the best seeds for weight loss. These little treasures are rich in healthful properties that you cannot miss out on.

Seeds for Weight Loss

Ideal weight
One thing we should make clear is that fiber is essential for taking care of your body. It helps it stay regulated and the digestive tract to function properly and help eliminate everything you don’t want. It’s also key to losing weight healthily.
Did you know that, for example, having a diet rich in fiber can also protect you against diabetes? Or that it protects you against heart diseases? It is also great for allowing you to keep your cholesterol levels balanced. And don’t forget that seeds are the most fiber rich elements in nature. Besides giving you energy, they give you the extremely useful bacteria for your bacterial flora. And you have to remember that they are delicious, who doesn’t like sunflower or pumpkin seeds?
When you want to lose weight, we have to mention that they are more than perfect allies. They help you burn fat, make you feel satisfied, accelerate your metabolism, and are perfect for eating in salads, smoothies, or snacks. Let’s take a look at the best seeds for weight loss below. Jot them down:

1. Chia Seeds

You surely have heard people talk about them. Chia seeds are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber. They are perfect for accelerating your metabolism and to lose weight little by little, as long as you eat them regularly. You also have to keep in mind that chia seeds are great for any circulatory problem because they have a high percentage of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. These fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides and, don’t forget, raise good cholesterol or HDL.
And what should you do to lose weight with chia? Very easy. You can find it in natural stores and normal stores. Just eat two to three small tablespoons a day in your salads, yogurts, shakes, and even jello.

2. Linseed

Linseed salad
You probably have heard people talk about linseed. And why is it so famous? Well, these small natural elements have a large amount of dietary fiber, they are the richest, known, vegetable source of omega 3 fatty acids, and are the richest source of weak estrogen, which turns them into a super food. Simply great.
According to experts, if you eat linseed, you will have a great amount of fiber than if you eat any other grain. Thanks to it, you will prevent constipation, lower cholesterol, and get an amazing dosage of omega 3, making it even greater then any kind of fish. So, how could you go without a daily dosage of linseed?
It is very easy to find linseed in any natural store. You can eat it any way you like: with yogurt, salads, shakes… And it’s delicious!

3. Mustard Seeds

They are tasty and you can use them as a delicious spice with fish, meat, salads. They are a more than perfect side that will give you omega 3, calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, proteins, selenium, and zinc. They are also very digestive seeds because they have the healthy property of stimulating the production of gastric juices.
You won’t have any problems finding mustard seeds, because this is a very common culinary supplement that is used for tons of dishes. You can make salads, delicious plates with salmon, turkey, or chicken (always lean meats).

4. Sunflower Seeds

Who doesn’t love sunflower seeds? They are a classic but you should never eat them with salt. We know that they are delicious like that, but salt does not help you lose weight, on the contrary, you will experience more fluid retention and your kidneys will be affected.
Why are they good for weight loss? Because they are satisfying, they accelerate your metabolism, they are extremely healthy thanks to their content of oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, and lecithin acids. All of that will help reduce bad cholesterol and increase the levels of the good kind. Don’t forget that it is a good ally for your liver’s health.
The fiber in sunflower seeds helps you to especially reduce the absorption of cholesterol in your intestines and the fats that should not stay in your body. But be careful, you can only eat a small handful a day, two tablespoons a day is enough. Anything over that amount has too high of a calorie level. It’s about finding the balance to be able to benefit from its properties in order to help you lose weight. Remember, only two tablespoons. You can eat them as a snack, after your breakfast, or as an afternoon snack.


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