20 Wheatgrass Benefits for Weight Loss, Health, Skin and Hair

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It may resemble a thin blade of grass, but wheatgrass packs a powerhouse of nutrients. An ounce – about 28 gm – of this green elixir is packed with nutrition – containing 8 gm of protein and dietary fiber each, 240% of the RDA of vitamin A, 93% of the RDA of vitamin C, 356% of the RDA of iron, and 12% of the RDA of calcium, it has the nutritional equivalent of 2.5 pounds of the best raw organic vegetables, and is only 120 calories!
It’s nutritional value doesn’t just end there! Comprising of 98 of the 102 earth elements found in soil, including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus along with essential enzymes and 19 amino acids, wheatgrass is a power packed supplement! Made up of 70% chlorophyll, the life-blood of plants, wheatgrass is nature’s finest medicine.
From helping with weight loss to improving overall health, skin and hair, wheatgrass benefits are multifold.

1. It facilitates digestion

The American Cancer Society says that wheatgrass powder contains certain alkaline minerals that provide relief from ulcers, constipation and diarrhoea. It helps cleanse the colon and keeps acidity at bay.

2. It reduces food cravings

Loaded with nutrients, wheatgrass ensures that your body doesn’t crave food items to compensate for lack of vitamins or minerals. A wheatgrass supplement every morning may prevent overeating throughout the day.

3. It helps with weight loss

Regular consumption of wheatgrass helps stimulate the thyroid gland, which boosts metabolism, provides more energy and aids in weight loss.

4. It helps you detox

The cleansing properties of wheatgrass detoxify the bloodstream, liver and colon, and enhances strength of cells!

5. It improves immunity

Wheatgrass helps increase the count of red blood cells, strengthening the body’s immune response, and preventing the occurrence of illness/disease.  

6. It works against diabetes

The fiber present in wheatgrass regulates absorption of cholesterol and sugar, helping control blood sugar levels.

7. It lowers inflammation

Wheatgrass can help lower and even eliminate general inflammation, offering relief from common aches and pains.

8. It prevents varicose veins

Regular consumption may reduce the chances of developing varicose veins.

9. It can help de-stress and fight depression

Wheatgrass contains vitamin B, which curbs anxiety and helps one relax. Being a powerhouse for iron, it helps keep depression at bay.

10. It averts dental problems

Powdered wheatgrass can help treat tooth decay and other dental issues. Apart from consuming it, try massaging your gums with the powder to keep them firm and healthy.

11. It can treat hemorrhoids

The combination of fiber, chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals can help treat hemorrhoids, or piles. The recommended dosage is twice a day for 3 months.

12. It can rid your skin of acne

Applying a paste of wheatgrass powder and milk can prevent breakouts, treat acne and promote healthy skin.

13. It helps stimulate circulation
Rubbing wheatgrass juice on your face and neck can help dilate blood vessels, making your skin glow.

14. It has antiseptic properties

These properties make it the best natural solution for bruises, sores, insect bites, rashes, sunburns, boils and cuts.

15. It offers anti-aging benefits

The natural anti-ageing properties of wheatgrass help rejuvenate cells, take care of sagging skin, maintain skin elasticity and keep you looking younger.

16. It rids the body of odours

Wheatgrass’ detoxifying nature cleanses your blood and helps eliminate bad odours of breath and sweat.

17. Use it to treat dandruff and scalp problems

Get rid of dandruff or a dry/itchy scalp by applying a poultice of wheatgrass powder and water.

18. It improves hair quality

Adding a teaspoonful of wheatgrass powder to your regular shampoo can reverse hair damage and strengthen the roots.

19. It promotes hair growth

Regular consumption of wheatgrass along with topical application helps remove dead cells from the scalp and promotes hair growth.

20. It reduces greying of hair

Applying wheatgrass powder on your scalp can prevent greying of hair.
Wheatgrass should always be consumed on an empty stomach or with other fruits and vegetables. Start with an ounce a day and slowly graduate to 2 ounces. The ideal consumption time is in the morning, a few minutes after waking up. Avoid consuming it after a meal because it may leave you feeling nauseous.
This natural supplement is easily available – you can grow and juice it at home or buy it from a health and wellness store. While the fresh juice should be consumed within 10 minutes of juicing, wheatgrass in bottled, powdered, tablet or capsule form can be stored for longer. If you can’t bear the taste initially, mix it with orange juice, milk shakes or smoothies and then move on to other forms of consumption.
Consult your doctor before starting young children, pregnant women or elders on wheatgrass. 

Article source: http://healthifyme.com/blog/20-wheatgrass-benefits-weight-loss-health-skin-hair/


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