What I eat in a day: Model, food blogger and cookbook author Roz Purcell

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Roz Purcell/Instagram10
Roz Purcell/Instagram
She's been at the top of the Irish modelling game since she burst onto the scene in 2010, but now a successful cookbook author and food blogger, her transition into a healthy living guru is nearly complete.
Having spoken candidly about her struggle to understand nutrition - from eating broccoli for breakfast while modelling in New York in 2010, Roz is now one of the most popular sources for nutritious recipes in Ireland.
No day is the same for the budding businesswoman, whose diet reflects her very active lifestyle.
"I usually start my day pretty early. I have a busy schedule so I’m up early to fit my training in. I feel like it sets me up for the day when I can get a good session in, in the morning I find it really gives me more energy. I also love knowing that when I am finished work I can go home and relax," she tells Independent Style.
Breakfast usually comprises of "eggs, green smoothie bowl or porridge." And she opts for three square meals a day, sometimes prepped in advance, sometimes purchased on the spot. But a passion for fresh food means her Sunday meal preps are more for pleasure than necessity."
"My lunch is usually a salad with grains, fish/chicken and vegetables. Finally, my dinner is majorly made up of lots of veg, good carbs like sweet potato or brown rice and either meat or veg. I also eat a lot of vegan dishes throughout the week when I’m not feeling like meat or fish."
"If I have a few busy days ahead, I will prep my food so I don’t end up being 'hangry’! It's also a good way to make sure I’m not caving into poor quality foods when I need something fast . On days when I’m not as busy, I love cooking dishes with fresh ingredients. I find cooking and baking really therapeutic. It clears my head so I usually end up cooking or baking at some point every day."
So, for a whole food advocate, is dining out a nightmare? No. Roz is familiar with all the healthy options at some of Dublin's most popular restaurants and said she prefers a "cosy night in" anyway.
"A few of my favourites are Rustic Stone, Balfes, honest to goodness, Keshk and Yamamori," she says. "They all have healthy options on the menu and accommodate loads of different food preferences like gluten free, vegan etc. I only really end up going out for occasions or get togethers with friends.
"I prefer getting a healthy takeaways and having a cosy night in watching a good movie. Living in town, Deliveroo offers loads of healthy options from some of my favourite places. I love that you can now get a healthy takeaway and it’s changing from just the typical chipper food."
Anyone who follows her on social media knows she's a devout gym-goer, who preaches about the positive mental impact of working out, as well as the physical benefits. How does she maintain a super toned physique?
I try to work out everyday," she adds. "I alternate my workouts - so one day I could be boxing, another in the gym doing a HIIT (High Intenstity Interval Training) session, a strength session, swimming or running. Obviously training is great for staying in shape, but I also love to work out for my head. It’s great to switch off when training and get a sweat on. I get such a buzz from the endorphins during and after training. I do take days off when my body needs it as it is important to have those relaxing days and leave your body recover."
Training every day and a strict diet doesn't exactly leave wiggle room for dessert, does it?
"No way! I have such a sweet tooth. I have an 80:20 relationship with food. 80% of the time I eat healthy foods and 20% I enjoy sweet treats. I think having a healthy balance is really important and helps you maintain a healthy relationship with food," she adds.
"With my blog naturalbornfeeder.com, I bake healthy treats as I try to avoid processed foods as much as possible. I find by altering some of my favourite desserts with ingredients like raw cacao, natural sweeteners and nuts I can still enjoy some of my favourite treats just as much and have a healthy balance. You’ll notice in my cookbook that I have LOADS of sweet treats recipes!"
And finally, the kicker - Khloe Kardashian drinks six litres of water per day, Adriana Lima drinks a gallon before the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, but Roz sticks to 2 litres every day and praises its benefis.
"It is a bit of a chore but the benefits are amazing. Drinking plenty of water is really important for your digestion and to flush all the toxins out. Every morning I take Revive Active for my joint care, umeboshi for my digestive care and I let my diet take care of the rest."
*Roz Purcell's debut cookbook Natural Born Feeder: Whole Foods, Whole Life is available in bookstores now. She is launching a pop-up store called Whole Foods on Dublin's Baggot Street from Feb 10-13, with all proceeds being donated to the Capuchin Day Centre.


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