Top Five Tips on Using a Weight Loss Diary to Stay on Track

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Goal setting and focus are key competencies to have when working towards natural weight loss. By setting clear weight loss goals, you can develop a plan that includes diet, exercise and more, to help you achieve those goals. And then, once you have clear goals with a plan to achieve them, the plan helps you to stay focused on the goals. However, staying focused can sometimes be a challenge with our crazy schedules and lives these days, and a great solution to overcome this challenge is to track your goals, plan and progress in a diary.
Track your goals. First, know what your weight loss goals are and include them at the top of every page of your diary. This will help you stay focused on the true goal at hand, and will help you develop and track your plan to achieve the goals on each page of your diary.
Track your diet for weight loss. Be sure to include all that you eat and drink on any given day to truly have an awareness of your nutritional and caloric intake. Be very honest as this is the only way to awareness to truly know how you're doing in regards to eating what you need to in order to lose weight naturally and achieve your goals.
Track your weight loss exercise program and routine. No matter what activity you choose to incorporate into your weight loss program, be sure to track it. Track the days in which you do the activity, the duration, and how many calories you've burnt. Again, awareness is key, so by tracking, you can look back over your diary and see what weeks you've maybe skipped a lot of your exercise program, or on the flip side, you can reward yourself for meeting your daily exercise goal to achieve your ideal weight!
Track your water intake for natural weight loss. Water intake is so important whether you're trying to lose weight or not, so be sure to at least drink 64 ounces of water a day, and then some. And track the time of day you drink the water, as well, as you don't want to drink too much at one time.
Include motivational and positive aspects in your diary. Mindset and positive motivation are key to achieving any goal so include positive affirmations, pictures, quotes, or anything that helps keep you focused and in a positive frame of mind when it comes to losing weight naturally.
These five tips will get you well on your way to a positive outcome when attempting to lose weight naturally. Tracking your goals and your diet, exercise and water intake to meet those goals, is the right approach to ensuring you stay on track and aware of your progress with your program, and you'll be sure to know exactly how you're doing by having records of your daily weight loss activities!

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