Losing weight is tough, but rewarding (Photo: rex features)
This personal trainer gives his expert advice on how to motivate yourself to lose weight if you're having trouble finding the motivation to get started
Getting motivated to start a diet and exercising can often be the hardest part of the diet. But fear not because help is at hand.
We spoke to Anthony Healy, a personal trainer at Vivacia, about why motivation is so important for successfully loosing weight,
“Weight loss is anything but easy.
The reason Katie Hopkins was so successful in her recent weight loss TV show is because she is so incredibly motivated! Her entire identity, TV persona, and livelihood is wrapped up in its success. Failure is simply not an option!”
So how do you muster that motivation?
Here are Anthony's top tips on how to motivate yourself to lose weight:
1. Decide why you want to lose weight
Is is to look good in a bikini, to feel better about yourself or another reason?
2. Set goals
'Lose weight' is too vague. You need a clear and achievable goal, such as 'lose 10lb in 10 weeks'. Write down how you're going to achieve this, such as 'run three times a week' or 'go to the gym every Monday, Wednesday and Friday' and STICK TO IT.
2. Create visual goals
Visual cues are a great motivator. If you want to look good on the beach in a size 10 bikini then buy that bikini (or dress for special occasion/favorite pair of jeans) and hang it outside your wardrobe.
3. Write a morning mantra
Write and then read a motivational mantra every day. Make the goal seem like something that has already having been achieved,
E.g. “I have successfully lost 10lbs, and I am about to board the plane for Spain at Heathrow airport. I can’t wait to get to the beach in my yellow bikini….”
By doing so you get the good feelings associated with the goal ahead of time.
4. Kick the bad habits
Long term transformations take time.
To get quick results and keep the weight off you need to kick bad habits.
In the beginning you need to go cold turkey. For many people the enemy is booze, processed food and/or sugar in all its forms - most obviously, chocolate and sweets.
Giving these up for at least 6-12 weeks "breaks the back" of the usual suspects, forms some good eating habits, and brings about those quick results - which will keep you motivated and “hungry” for more success.
5. Think positive
With sufficient motivation anything is achievable, and those obstacles can now be overcome.
More tips on getting your weight loss started!
Outspoken weight loss guru Steve Miller of Sky1's Fat Families shares his tips on how you can stop complaining you're fat - and actually lose weight.
Carry a mirror
In order to eat healthily, it’s really important to watch your portion sizes. To help you do this, carry a mirror everywhere you go, ensuring you remind yourself of how fat you are, which will automatically motivate you to eat less.
Be your own weight loss whip
This may sound odd, but you need to give yourself some tough love. Motivating yourself is not just about carrot, it’s also about stick – you need to whip yourself into controlling your eating. Without control, it’s too easy to get carried away bingeing on treats and then swilling them down with booze.
Ditch the fat feeding excuse
(Photo: Getty)
Year after year, many people say, "Oh I’ve put so much weight on over Christmas, I may as well eat what I want." This is just an excuse. Stop making them. Always remind yourself to stop eating when you feel full, and then take your mind into something non-food related.
Keep treats hidden
Or don’t buy them at all. Out of sight will mean out of mind. You won’t be able to resist if you have chocolates and biscuits lying around the house.
Ditch diets
The first and immediate step is never ditch junk food all together. Instead, live each day eating healthily 80 per cent of the time and eating some junk for 20 per cent of the time.
This way you’ll ensure you don’t deny yourself, which can lead to bingeing.
This way you’ll ensure you don’t deny yourself, which can lead to bingeing.
Steer clear of conflict
After the stresses of the holidays, new year can be the time of year when we rub each other up the wrong way and end up having a number of verbal brawls. Steer clear of them, otherwise you will probably end up comfort eating. Bite your tongue and walk away as soon as you sense you are about to throw a verbal bullet.
Carry a warning sign
Make yourself a credit card size warning sign that reads, "If you are fat THINK before eating." Look at it before you eat to help you control what you consume, and how much. The truth hurts, but the truth is the truth.
Try on the frock
Just before you sit down to eat at home, pop to the bedroom and try on that dress you are desperate to fit into. Let it motivate you to control your food intake.
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