Healthy Weight Loss - Danger in Eating Processed Foods

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The best and safest way for losing weight is by healthy weight loss methods. Recent studies indicate ninety percent of people in the USA spend their household budget on processed foods. 

If you were to look in the average household kitchen, you would find it stocked with packaged foods filled with additives and devoid of nutrients. They may be easier to prepare for a meal and taste good, but does nothing for your health and well being. Read the labels on packaged foods to discover which common ingredients pose the greatest risk to your health. Processed foods are dangerous to your health and need to be seriously discussed among the general population.

So ask yourself, is this healthy compared to the foods our bodies were designed to eat? If not then act based on the facts.

In society today, processed, packaged junk foods are the main diet of most families. If you rarely if ever read the labels, you will cringe at what ingredients are inside. Most processed foods are filled with artificial sweeteners, salts, artificial flavors, factory-created fats, coloring, chemicals and preservatives. Processed foods constitute a recipe for disaster because they are stripped of nutrients designed by nature to protect your heart and overall health.

Here is a dangerous ingredient in processed foods you should look out for:

What are Trans Fats?

Trans fats can be found in some bakery goods, crispy crackers, microwave popcorn, fast-food French fries and margarine. Once praised as a cheap, replacement for butter, lard, and coconut oil, trans fats have recently been denounced by a Harvard University Nutrition Expert as the worst food-processing disaster in U.S. history. More research now indicates Trans fats are more dangerous for your heart than saturated fat.
Many individuals have tried so hard to lose weight and did everything they were supposed to do and still failed. Well, one thing that may be a factor is the discovery that the additive MSG makes people gain weight.

The Diet of Processed Foods:

The diet of processed and junk foods so prevalent in society today is the main cause of obesity and declining health of the overwhelming majority of people. Ideally, we should go back in time to when we ate natural, organic food fresh from the farm and bought at outdoor markets. Unfortunately, the food industry chose to make money their priority and began 'manufacturing' processed food and boosting their profits.

So now a viable alternative to processed food is to grow your own food in a home garden. It is safer and more economical considering the Recession facing us today. You may find organically grown food for sale at many natural food stores in your area. These healthy alternatives are essential to healthy weight loss and your overall health and well being. Now that you know the danger in eating processed foods, the choice is yours; continue eating chemical laden packaged foods or change your diet and lifestyle to improve your health and lose weight in a healthy way.

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