Calorie Counting Tips For Your Fat Loss Diet

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If you're going to start a fat loss diet, getting accustomed with calorie counting is a very smart idea. Calorie counting is one of the primary things that will help ensure that you stay within a good fat loss calorie intake and give you something to work off if you aren't seeing the results you had hoped.

Individuals who don't calorie count are much more likely to falter with their goal since when they don't get results, they have no idea why.
Here are some things you should know about calorie counting and fat loss diets.
Your Ideal Weight Loss Calorie Intake
The first step you need to do is calculate your ideal fat loss calorie intake. For most individuals who are participating in a regular workout program, 13 to 15 calories per pound of body weight seems to be a reasonable guideline.

Others may need to bring this slightly lower, however this is those who have been dieting for a period of time already or who have suppressed metabolisms.
Calorie Counts Of Each Macronutrient
Next, it's important you know the calorie count of each major macronutrient in order to figure out how many grams of carbs, proteins, and fats you should be taking in daily.
Each gram of protein is going to provide 4 total calories, each gram of carbohydrate will also provide 4 calories, and each gram of fat will provide 9 calories. For this reason you can see why cutting back on dietary fats tends to be a good way to lose weight.

Why Going Too Low In Calories Is A Very Bad Idea
All of this said, just be sure you don't take your calorie count too low. Even though you do need a lower intake to lose body fat, if you take it too low you're going to end up with a slow metabolism, muscle mass loss, and you may even start to hold onto your body fat.
So be sure you're making note of your calorie intake. It really does bump up the amount of success you have on your diet and is well worth your effort.

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