Driving On Empty Is Best For Your Cardio Workout

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Driving on empty is a no-no when driving a car. You do not want to be on the road with an empty fuel tank. When doing your cardio workout, however, this is exactly what you must do to ensure optimum benefits. Doing your cardio exercises on an empty stomach gives you the best weight loss results. This is because cardio exercises make up the most efficient calorie burning workouts and when the body has no available stores of carbohydrates to burn, it begins to burn stored fat. That's when you get into that zone that you want to be in.
The best time to do your cardio workout is, therefore, in the morning before breakfast. The long hours between your last meal the night before and the time you wake up ensures that your body is indeed on empty at this point. There is no other time of day when you are most likely to have gone without food for as long as this nightly fast. It will, therefore, not take long after your warm up exercises before your cardio workout pushes your body to delve into those stubborn fat deposits.

Another benefit of doing your cardio workout in the morning is that you will continue to benefit from its fat burning effects for the rest of your day. The workout itself, if done right, raises your body's metabolism and keeps it on that higher level even after the session. Having gone through an invigorating workout first thing in the morning also provides a physical and psychological boost that keeps you more active and energetic the rest of the day. This further increases your body's fat burning efficiency. 
Of course, if working out upon waking up in the morning is not an option for you, you can still improve the efficiency of your cardio workout at any hour of the day by ensuring that you have not eaten for at least two to three hours before the session. It would also be best to cut down on carbohydrates. This may not be comparable to the overnight fast but it is still better than working out on a full stomach. You just have to keep in mind that you may have to do a longer session because in the first few minutes of the workout your body will just be burning the available carbohydrates you have eaten earlier in the day. A longer session will ensure that your body gets to your stored fat at some point.
Keep in mind that in putting your body through a cardio workout, it is best to drive on empty. This will burn more fat and get you faster to the target weight you want.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5791811


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