Celebrity Body Secrets

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Want abs like Jessica Alba or thighs like Rihanna? The stars reveal their deepest, darkest diet and exercise secret

Blake Lively

Blake Lively is famed for her elongated, toned limbs and hot bod. How does she keep it that way? "I am terrible, I don't do any exercise,” she confessed. “I'm going to have to learn the hard way. I love food too much, and my family is from the South, so the food I like is not necessarily the best for you. There are days when I will be like, 'Oh my goodness, I am not happy with the way I look because I cannot fit into any of my clothes'. So I eat quinoa that week, and then I feel good."

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Charlize Theron

We’re pretty sure South African screen goddess Charlize Theron has good genes to thank for her phenomenal figure, but we’re relieved to hear she doesn’t rely on genetics alone. “I work out like everyone else, I mix up hiking, spinning, Yoga – the variety helps me stay active,” she told one magazine.

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Bar Rafaeli

Israeli model Bar Refaeli insists that resistance training and the odd treat is the secret behind her killer bod.

“I like eating healthily but if I’m craving I’ll have it, just not every day,” she revealed. “My main workout is TRX (working with your own body weight) which really tones the body. I can’t do the Yoga stuff, it bores me.”

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Jessica Biel

Justin Timberlake’s wife-to-be, however, is a big fan of strength-building, holistic routines. “I practise Yoga on a regular basis and work with Jason Walsh my amazing trainer – he makes me do more one legged squats than you could ever imagine,” she said.

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Halle Berry

Halle Berry had to change her entire outlook on eating and exercise because of a medical condition… Not that that’s hampered her achieving her legendary toned physique. Speaking to a British tabloid, Halle said: "Because I'm diabetic, I totally changed my diet and workout regime. I don't eat fried foods or refined sugar — only natural sugar in fruit and vegetables. And I don't eat carbs a lot.

"I'm not obsessive, like I have to have the best butt or the best abs, but I like feeling strong and healthy.”

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Kelly Brook

Curvy Kelly Brook is the envy of girls the world over. How does she hone her super shape? “I love cranking the music up and hula-hooping for about ten minutes,” she told one British tabloid. She also hits the gym with a personal trainer three times a week and apparently follows a macrobiotic diet, too.

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Miranda Kerr

What we wouldn’t do to have legs like Miranda Kerr! The Victoria’s Secret model chalks her fab figure down to “a regular Yoga routine I practice” and personal training. She also eats lots of vegetables. “I love spinach, avocado, lots of greens and broccoli."

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Rihanna is one of the hottest women in the world right now and is about as toned and defined a celeb as they come. But, she says, her good looks come at a heavy cost. Speaking to Examiner.com, she said: “Cardio is the key. I have a personal trainer who travels with me if we have a big event coming up. I work out every day but I need a trainer to motivate me.”

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Candice Swanepoel

Victoria’s Secret model Candice Swanepoel puts her hot bod down to plain old hard work and a balanced diet. "I love a good breakfast. I love croissants, eggs and bacon. I eat a lot of vegetables; I like omelettes and raisins too. I love waking up; I box; I do a lot of resistance... Three or four times a week,” she told one British tabloid.

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Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba has abs to die for thanks to the strict diet and exercise routine she follows.

"When I eat breakfast, I’ll have an egg-white omelette and fruit, or cottage cheese and a peach,” she told Examiner.com. For lunch, I’ll have a salad. Dinner is usually vegetables and chicken or fish. During the day I’ll have some dried fruit, or I’ll have a chocolate or strawberry frozen yogurt. I don’t really eat desserts or bread.

"I try to work out every day for 45 minutes to an hour. I start out on the treadmills or elliptical machine for 10 to 15 minutes to get my heart rate up to 180 beats per minute. Then I do 50 lunges and crunches. Next I get back on the machine for another 10 minutes. Then I work on shoulders, biceps and triceps. I do that nonstop for four sets."

Phew! Sounds like a lot of hard work to us…

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Myleene Klass

Myleene Klass boasts some seriously enviable curves, but they weren’t always so toned. Her secret? "I lost weight by eating sensibly and sitting down for proper meals at home,” she revealed. “I still ate the same foods as I always had, but not the quantity. I didn't deny myself anything – if you do that you want twice as much of it – and I don't do faddy diets.”

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Just a few weeks after giving birth to baby Blue Ivy, BeyoncĂ© unveiled her slammin’ hot bod. "I lost most of my weight from breast feeding and I encourage women to do it; it's just so good for the baby and good for yourself," she told People magazine. "I counted calories. I worked out maybe three to four times a week. I did a lot walking in the beginning and now I'm running. But I had to work my way up. I couldn't just go right from being pregnant to running."

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Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is famous for her killer curves, but how does she maintain them? Eating properly, not depriving herself and filling up on protein at every meal. “Before, all I’d have for breakfast was a Grande Soy Chai Latte,” she said. Now, the reality star chows down on oats, eggs, turkey or fruit to start the day, instead.

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Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez’s flawless figure might look like it comes naturally to her, but in actual fact the star has to work hard to maintain her toned physique. “I work out because I have to,” she told GLAMOUR magazine. The star is also a devotee of the Dukan diet and the Tracy Anderson dance fitness method.

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Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart was a mere slip of a girl before she joined the cast of Snow White And The Huntsman as the eponymous heroine. Now, she’s ripped. "I've never worked out before," Stewart told GQ magazine during filming. “Now I'm only allowed to eat stuff out of a box. It works. Also I feel more energised and stronger."

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Katy Perry

How does Katy Perry manage to pour her heavenly figure into all those sugary latex stage costumes? A strict rope jumping routine and a meal plan, we’ll think you’ll find. With one day off for indulgence, of course. Her treat of choice? “On Sundays I get to have a cheat day where I go buck wild and eat In-N-Out Burger,” she told Rolling Stone.

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Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland of ridiculously toned arms fame confesses that she doesn’t diet, but she does follow the 80/20 rule. "Most of what I eat is healthy fruit and veg, grilled fish and meat, but 20% is whatever I want," she told one British tabloid.

"It takes hard work to look like this – and even more work to keep looking like it!"

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Dita Von Teese

Dita Von Teese has a body to die for – a carefully honed, ivory vessel she puts down to pilates and training her body to eat healthy foods. "If you stop eating sugar, your body doesn't want sugar anymore. I haven't had a soda in 15 years!" she revealed. "I drink green smoothies with spinach, kale, and dark leafy greens mixed with fruit. Then something salady for lunch and then I can eat what I want at night. Ever since I stopped eating a big breakfast of eggs, toast and cereal, I feel so much better."

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Cheryl Cole

Slender popster Cheryl Cole steers away from fads and crash dieting to keep her figure taut. “I work out and try to make healthy choices. I try to avoid diets like the plague. That can get you into a vicious circle. I did when I was younger,” she said during a recent interview.

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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

She’s got the figure most women dream of, but, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley admits, it doesn’t half take some work keeping it that way. “Everything starts with exercise. Then you want to look after yourself and put good food into your body. I have a really good response when I cut out carbs so that's something I always do before a big event. Hollywood is really geared up for fitness. The gym is something I always prioritise,” she told one British magazine recently.

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Brooklyn Decker

The Battleship star – and wife of tennis ace Andy Roddick – uses the power of her mind (and, we reckon, rather a lot of exercise) to maintain her super slim bod. "I try not to think about foods that are too fattening or too sugary. I always think about why it's important to eat the best foods. By not obsessing over the bad, I think to stick with the good,” she said.

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Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana says that her slender figure is down to fine tuning.

“I just don't like to disrespect my body,"she said during an interview with Self magazine. "I don't like when my body feels exhausted or full or just tired and mistreated. My trainer really is respectful, but also pushy--I'm very stubborn and very dominant, so that's the only way that I get to really give in. To him it's not just to make you look good, it's about finding a way to give you good habits."

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Emma Watson

For Emma Watson, NOT worrying about the way she looks is her key to staying healthy and happy. “I feel if I have to work out four hours a day, and count the calories of everything I put in my mouth, and have Botox at 22, and obsess about how I look the whole time, I will go mad. I will absolutely lose it,” she told US Magazine.

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Scarlett Johansson 

How did Scarlett Johansson wiggle into her skintight leathers to play the legendary Black Widow assassin in The Avengers? “You have to eat a really clean diet, a lot of kale and salmon. Basically you get all your nutrients and then you train like crazy, but you just suck it up and do it,” Johansson told Fox News. “Every woman has body worries, I’m not exempt from that. But the byproduct of spending that much time in the gym means you can fit into that catsuit.”

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Adriana Lima

Another Victoria’s Secret model, another hot bod and another exercise fanatic, Adriana Limacertainly makes sure she earns her figure. Before one show, she told The Daily Telegraph: "I’m doing a combination of different protein shakes — it's called Metagenics. And also, I only can eat green vegetables, everything grilled or steamed, or four ounces of any type of protein. And usually that’s what I have for lunch and dinner, and every three hours in between I have a protein shake or cereal bar." She also works out for three hours a day, every day for three weeks before a show takes place. Cripes!

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Gwen Stefani

“I work out five days a week, I can’t imagine not doing it,” Gwen Stefani told one British magazine of her slim body secrets. “I’d like to have no rules and eat what I want, but I’ve learned over the years that I’m so disappointed when I can’t wear the clothes I want to wear.”

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Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams shed her baby weight with ease after giving birth to Matilda, debuting her slimmed down figure just six weeks later. And it couldn’t have been simpler – the star claims that walking a lot was what did it for her. “Make a plan and set attainable goals,” she advised at the time.

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Fearne Cotton

Willowly Fearne Cotton has an awesome figure, which she puts down to her love of exercise. “I really enjoy being active,” she revealed. “I do Yoga and I work out. I trained as a dancer so I have to exercise regularly or I don’t feel comfortable. I love exercising and do it every other day. I get an adrenaline rush out of it! I try to cycle everywhere, too.”

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Freida Pinto

Freida Pinto played an incredibly buff beauty in Immortals, but her training regime wasn’t anywhere near as arduous as the boys’ regime was. "I generally just take good care of myself," Freida told Access. "[I] just watch what I eat – especially when you're going to be in a tight costume. You don't want to be bloated and sucking your stomach in," she continued. "You just want to be able to stand tall and let the corset do what it has to do."

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Leighton Meester

So what’s Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester Upper East Side slim body secret?

"Just have a little bit of something that you want. Don't overdo it,” she advises. Simple!

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Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway’s diet tip? It’s cool for a role, but in real life? Relax, sister!

"When I'm working, I'm incredibly disciplined, because when you're portraying someone else, your body isn't your own,” she said during an interview with People. “But when I'm not working, I think less about what I eat. For example, last night I had a club sandwich and two nights ago I had pizza. You've got to live!”

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Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz is famous for her long, toned limbs – but they come at a price: weight lifting and dieting.

“I’m off the fried foods,” she told the Daily Mail. “I’m very thoughtful about what I eat. If you’re gonna do heavy lifting, and you want to stay small, you have to watch what you eat. You have to give your body the right nutrients and really think about what’s best for it.”

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Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston’s exercise routine? As intense as her abs. "I work out almost every day, at least five or six days a week,” she told one US mag. “I do 40 minutes of cardio: spinning, running, the elliptical, or a combination of all three. Then I do Pilates one day a week, and I do Yoga in addition to that, three days a week. I try to mix it up. "I take 8lb [3.6kg] weights with me whenever I'm staying in a hotel. It's always good to do arm exercises when you're watching television or talking on the phone. I also love to stretch before I go to bed, and usually throw in a couple of sit-ups." Wowzers!

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Article Source: http://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/gallery/celebrity-body-secrets-diet-tips


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